Prayer Center
Need prayer during work hours? Call the station Monday through Friday between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. to be prayed with & encouraged.
Need prayer after hours? Call the Billy Graham Prayer line 24/7 at 855-255-PRAY to get prayer any time you’d like.
Please pray that The LORD heals my body (I am recovering from a operation) and that I am able to make a speedy recovery. Please pray that The LORD protects, and guides me, and delivers me from The Devil and my enemies. Please pray that the attacks against me cease, and whatever schemes they are trying to pull is exposed, confounded, and fails. Please pray that The LORD helps me through the trials I am going through and that He provides for all that I need (spiritually, physically, financially, emotionally etc.) and that I am able to get all the help that I need from Him and more. Thank you all for you intercession.