Prayer Center
Need prayer during work hours? Call the station Monday through Friday between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. to be prayed with & encouraged.
Need prayer after hours? Call the Billy Graham Prayer line 24/7 at 855-255-PRAY to get prayer any time you’d like.
I believe in Jesus delivering people of things. Please pray for my son to be delivered for God's glory!
People keep mentioning psychologists, and counseling, and forcing him to go to school. I believe we need Jesus.
When I feel I can't do prayers on my own, I ask for help.
I love mom and my son. They took anger out on me. I do not feel ready to go home. I left.
Not to abandon them. I will always love him. Something is not right. My son is dealing with anger, and lust, and other things. I see innocence too. He is 13. The doctor prescribed meds for hyper-sexuality and aggression. He hasn't taken it. I have been praying. His dad is not in his life. I decided to get divorced when he was a baby. I was abused. He is not much in his life. I pray for him and his 2 other sons. My son never saw me get abused, yet was starting to abuse me.
If there are generational curses and if there is anything not of God, please pray in the name of Jesus them to be removed.